All Hardball Official Competitions Suspended in June

- 2020-05-19
- Important news
- News & Articles
The Japan Cricket Association will take the following measures on Cricket activities due to the situation of COVID-19.
- All hardball official competitions, as well as any other Cricket activity (matches, camps, events, and meetings etc) in which participants gather from across prefecture borders: Cancelled until the end of June. Further announcement will be made around June 21 regarding activities from July.
- Activities in which participants gather from within city or prefecture borders: if the situation and government policies in the local area allows the restart of sporting activities, activities may be considered to be restarted subject to appropriate prevention measures being taken.
The above will be advised to all JCA run organisations / committees. Any other Cricket bodies considering activities should feel free to contact the JCA for guidance if required.
The JCA requests that all Regional Associations take similar measures.
We wish to thank the entire cricket community for their cooperation and patience with us during this challenging time.