About the JCA

JCA Board & Staff


  • Chair           Anthony Aram
  • Director      Kenta Aoshima
  • Director      Ebbe Daigo
  • Director      Keiko Haneda
  • Director      Koji Horigome
  • Director      Maki Mishimagi
  • Director      Chris Thurgate


  • Auditor     Toru Utsugi

Honorary Member

  • President  Makoto Yamada



  • Naoki Alex Miyaji
    Role: Oversees the Head Office and its operations.
    Responsible Projects: Managing the JCA Office, Stakeholder Relations, Building relationships within Cities of Cricket, JCA Strategy

Head of Cricket Operations

  • Alan Curr
    Role: Manages Cricket operations and supports the CEO along with the Office Manager.
    Responsible Projects: Managing Cricket operations, Staff Exchange Partnerships, Embassy Cup, PR/Fan Development, South Kanto Region

Office Manager

  • Makoto Kubota
    Role: Manages administrative and financial operations and supports the CEO along with the Head of Cricket Operations.
    Responsible Projects: Managing Administration, Office environment, Organisation Development, Compliance

Participation Manager

Community Cricket Manager

  • Dhugal Bedingfield
    Role: Develops Competition Structures (Player Pathways) and Education.
    Responsible Projects: All (Hardball and Social) Competitions, Ground Maintenance, Education, Hokkaido, East Kanto, Hokushinetsu, Tokai, and Kyushyu Regions, Men’s/Men’s A Squad and Teams (Head Coach)

High Performance Coordinator

  • Ardene Ruhode
    Role: Coordinates High Performance and Education programmes.
    Responsible Projects: Managing National Teams/Squads/Academy, Staff Exchange Partnerships, Women’s Squad/Team (Head Coach), Junior National Team/Academy (Head Coach), Women’s J-BASH

Business Development Coordinator

  • Yuto Sato
    Role: Manages Fee for Service programmes such as the JCA run Jr Clubs and other programmes at the SICG and the Sano Supporter Club.
    Responsible Projects: Jr Club, SICG programmes, Sano Supporter Club and other programmes in Sano. Kansai Region

Administration Coordinator

  • Yukiko Motojima
    Role: Delivers administrative, financial and Tea Room operations.
    Responsible Projects: General Administration, Accounting, Tea Room

Sano Development Leader

  • Reo Sakurano
    Role: Delivers cricket operations in developing Sano as a City of Cricket.
    Responsible Projects: Sano Cricket Blast, Sano Social League, National U15/U19 League, North Kanto Region

Business Development Officer

  • Shiori Sato
    Role: Supports the Business Development Coordinator
    Responsible Projects: Jr Club, SICG programmes, Sano Supporter Club and other programmes in Sano.

Akishima Development Officer

  • TBC
    Role: Delivers cricket operations in developing Akishima as a City of Cricket.
    Responsible Projects: Akishima Cricket Blast, Edogawa Cricket Blast, Akishima Jr Club, Kawasaki Jr Club, J-BASH

Media and Communication Officer

  • Marcus Thurgate
    Role: Promote Cricket and JCA on the website and social media platforms.
    Responsible Projects: Website, Social Media

Sano Ground Assistant

  • Kento Ota
    Role: Supports the maintainance and development of the cricket grounds in Sano.
    Responsible Projects: Maintenance of Cricket Grounds in Sano

Fuji Ground Manager

  • Jarrad Shearer
    Role: Maintains and develops the cricket grounds in Fuji.
    Responsible Projects: Maintenance of Cricket Grounds in Fuji